Support Project Convergence

Project Convergence, like most professional dance companies, cannot sustain its full budget on performance fees alone. While we do make money from our performances, we rely on grants and the generosity of our community to cover our fixed operating costs. To make a tax deductible donation, please click on the donation link below to be routed to our fiscal sponsor, IACS (Indian American Community Services). Please ensure to list “For Project Convergence” in the description so that your donation gets routed to us. Thanks for your generosity.

What Your Money Supports

$100 supports our rehearsal space in New York for a whole month

$500 covers our non-social media marketing expenses for the year (website, flyers, etc.)

$1000 covers our annual membership fees at booking conference such as Arts Northwest and Western Arts Alliance, where we meet theaters and pitch our shows

$3,000 covers our annual expenses to attend booking conferences and ensure that styles outside contemporary and modern dance are available for theaters around the country to book

$10,000 covers our accounting, grant writing, booking agent, and contracting staff salaries for the whole year

$20,000 covers our director’s stipends for the whole year